Sunday, October 22, 2006

GA Cyclocross Race #2: Augusta

Last year the rain waited until the last race weekend of the season but this year we were treated to rain on the seocnd race! It was in the 50's and raining a nice drizzle up until the start of the 10 o'clock race.

The course was the same as last year except that they added a nice little two barrier run near the expo area that was much better than the barrier section last year. There was another flat barrier section near the start and a fun grassy steep hill that I managed to ride up each lap without any problems.

There was only about 40 yards from the start line to a plywood ramp over a curb and the first barrier section. I wanted to be first to the plywood since it was wet and slippery. I managed to get a good start and was first through. I was using the Tufo tubular clinchers that I normally use but decided to only use around 45psi since it was rainy and muddy. For this course at least, this was the proverbial sweet spot for pressure and the tires gripped fantastically. I was a little worried bout this during warm-ups especially on the steep grassy hill.

Most of the course was grass but there was a lot of challenging off-camber stuff as well and one section near the second set of barriers which were on a hill so you had to run. I learned in warm-ups that clipping out coasting down the off camber hill and gliding into the right side of the barriers gave me momentum and an easy dismount. These were not troublesome during the race.

The most challenging part was the little muddy off-camber section on the backside of the course. The lead up to this secion was a grassy downhill in which you could carry speed. But, the off camber section was hidden by some bushes and a left turn so (as I learned) you had to go wide right and then shoot into the mud left and through the turn or else you ran the risk of sliding right through the course marking tape and off the course.

I was able to win this race by about 1 minute but it was hard and challenging. I could not use the Powertap because of the rain so here is a boring HR file instead:

All in all Ross composed a very challenging course and did a fantastic job marketing and getting the word out. The Waffle House food was great!

I was helped by Jeff Welp in the first few laps by being a great teammate and keeping the second place guy in check. Jeff ended up 4th but rode a great race and I was hoping that he could get on the podium and hopefully next week he, Gerard and I can work together to make that happen.

Next week might be stressful with putting together the club race, but there are a lot of willing volunteers so I hope it will run smoothly.

This week for my efforts I get a Duvel and some cookies!


Anonymous said...

Hey're doing great this year! Keep up the hard work. I might come out and embarrass myself again this year. :-) The orad seasons seem to be getting longer and longer. This old guy needs a rest. I expect a clean sweep from you.


APBIORoswell said...

Thanks Tony! The Powertap has really made a difference in training this year. Hopefully I can keep up the pressure. Of course you are welcome to come out and school me any weekend (except Dec. 3rd!). Hope you are doing well!