Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Middle Threshold Efforts

Weekly I have been building up my threshold efforts (267-310watts) and having already done one mini-cycle, I am back to do another starting with 30 minutes. I usually do these in blocks of 15 minutes until I have to do a 60 minute effort and then I switch to 20 minutes blocks.

My course is pretty much dead flat so I can maintain a consistant power number within my range. In cyclocross, this will be the bread and butter but unless I am off the front, I probably will not be doing efforts like these continously. But, if I can continue to do these efforts for long periods of time, and I actually raise my functional threshold, then there is a chance that I could attack and break away,something I have never done with success.

Effort #1: The straight line nature of the trend line shows that I was able to hold the effort without a significant drop in power, indicating I was getting tired. My average wattage was 277 for the interval.

Effort #2: This effort was higher in average wattage but the slightly downward slope to the line indicates that I was getting tired as the interval progressed. Average wattage was 285 for the interval.

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